Monday, April 09, 2012


He is Risen!! Alleluia! What a wonderful, blessed day! I celebrated with Pastor M's church, and shared a message. A women was obviously in severe pain. They let her lie on the floor with her head on someone's lap. Pastor M prayed for her. Later, others did as well. This lady could barely walk and it made me hurt just to watch her! Well, after prayer they had her doing deep knee bends! And she stopped crying! PRAISE GOD! After lunch, Nan went home with me to help prepare for today's Easter Celebration for the Kids from Grace Home. What fun! Twenty kids and four adults.
 Morning service at MP's church
 Vic plays the drum

 Listening to the Easter Story

 Craft time

 Egg dying

 Egg hunt

 The kids decorated eggs
 Bunny cake

 Nan and Prabha help fix plates

 Gift Time

 What a wonderful day! 
I have a training tomorrow in a village not too far away. Thanks for your prayers!

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